Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sticker Photos >=D

STICKER PHOTOS. Those are the things that are hiding in my wallet right now. Ever since I came to Christchurch, I've taken quite a few sticker photos. Shockingly, I look good in almost all of them. There are a few secrets to the looking good part. STICKER PHOTOS MAKE UGLY PEOPLE LOOK SUPER AWESOME/COOL. Example :

Not my sunglasses =.=

DO YOU SEE HOW SMOOTH THE SKINS ARE?????????? I ACTUALLY HAD A PIMPLE 10CM BIG BUT IT VANISHED!!! Ok, maybe not but they do make you look fairer and nicer. I don't even look like myself. Super awesome eh.

One of the tricks that the sticker photo booth use is BLURRING THE PHOTO. There is absolutely no detail in the photos which is why there is no zit/pimple on anyone's face. A normal camera would MAKE zit/pimples appear even if there is actually none of it in the first place.

The pimple is on the left cheek (Lazy wanna photoshop a zit on a perfect person's face so Ah San will take the fall.)
oh man, this photo is from ages ago. Haha.

Another one of it's trick is to BRIGHTEN/CONTRAST THE PHOTO. This is to make everyone fairer. Even if you're the guy from the Darlie toothpaste logo, you'll look like an albino in sticker photos. Sweet, now Africans can become Caucasian through sticker photos!

Evolution of Darkie to Darlie

These sticker photos aren't cheap. They cost $8 to for 8 different shots but only 4 will be developed. The size and number of photos developed at the end isn't much to be proud of too. But it's kinda worth it since I can put it in my wallet. I prefer developed photos over digital photos.

Ok, I stop here. Too lazy to continue on. As promised, I BLOGGED!! Well, this post's true purpose is to show off how cool I look in sticker photos. And to show I don't look like the super weirdo korean dude that you guys think I look like him.

Smile like rapist like that. Totally doesn't look like me.

ROAR. Just to let the people know that I am still with Abigail and ROARNESS to people who ask me the question "Are you still with Abigail?". Yea, I have an awesome gf and it's awesome.

My blog is getting weirder and weirder. Awesomeeeeee. >=D


Anonymous said...

So gay

Anonymous said...

Yes! A-W-E-S-O-M-E...... yeah babe yeah!