Monday, August 20, 2007

Task 7

Don't think you'll see this view in Malaysia.

Task 7 is up now. I'm going to talk about my daily life in New Zealand. Exciting isn't it!! I bet you all are very excited to hear about my life here~! =D

One difference in my daily life in Malaysia and in my daily life in New Zealand is the temperature. Malaysia is freaking hot but New Zealand is freaking cold. Most of my friends in Malaysia complain to me about how hot it is there but I'm complaining to them about how cold it is here. Another difference between the life here and in Malaysia is the bus system. The buses here are much better than the ones in Malaysia. Especially in Kuching, the town where I come from. There is a lot more buses here and the quality of the buses are much better. In New Zealand, you wouldn't really have to use cash a lot. You would just use the eftpost card, which acts like a debit card. Almost everywhere store or place uses the eftpost card service and it is very convenient.

The similarities between the life in New Zealand and the life in Malaysia would be amount of flora and fauna in the city. The city where I came from in Malaysia is also full of flora and fauna. It is not the capital city so there isn't a lot of skyscrapers and the pollution is low. That is the only similarities that i can find between New Zealand and Malaysia.

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