Apparently I don't have any photos of my friends in the University so this will do for the moment.
Task 8 is about describing the friends that I have made in New Zealand and Foundation Studies. I have made quite a few friends that I cherish here. The friends I made here are friendly and some are funny. Some even resemble some of my friends in Malaysia. My friends are like Winnie, Katrina, Kelly, Geminy, Mervyn, Kev, Jack and so on. They come from different countries like Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea and so on. It is quite fun to learn other languages. I have improved my Cantonese and learn a few Korean sentences.
The things that I do for fun here is playing pool. It is actually the only fun thing here. I couldn't find any other thing to do. I do play computer games with my friends in cyber cafes occasionally. The price for movies here is very expensive so I don't really watch as much movie here than in Malaysia. Oops, my 100 words is up. I'm too lazy to write so much. Haha. xD
This is the link for wikispaces. It's a space where you can post the stuff you want. Go there and see our discussion about our software. =D
Task 7 is up now. I'm going to talk about my daily life in New Zealand. Exciting isn't it!! I bet you all are very excited to hear about my life here~! =D
One difference in my daily life in Malaysia and in my daily life in New Zealand is the temperature. Malaysia is freaking hot but New Zealand is freaking cold. Most of my friends in Malaysia complain to me about how hot it is there but I'm complaining to them about how cold it is here. Another difference between the life here and in Malaysia is the bus system. The buses here are much better than the ones in Malaysia. Especially in Kuching, the town where I come from. There is a lot more buses here and the quality of the buses are much better. In New Zealand, you wouldn't really have to use cash a lot. You would just use the eftpost card, which acts like a debit card. Almost everywhere store or place uses the eftpost card service and it is very convenient.
The similarities between the life in New Zealand and the life in Malaysia would be amount of flora and fauna in the city. The city where I came from in Malaysia is also full of flora and fauna. It is not the capital city so there isn't a lot of skyscrapers and the pollution is low. That is the only similarities that i can find between New Zealand and Malaysia.
Guess what dudes. Guess damn it. Why didn't you guys guess. T_T You guys hurt my feelings... Putting crap aside,
Cue music* Snowboardman, snowboardman, falls like crap and hurts like hell. Shreds the snow, face on snow. Knock friends down, Yes he can. Look out, he's the snowboardman. To learn how to sing that song, please refer to the Spiderman Theme Song.
Random Spiderman picture I got from Google.
Now on to normal blogging. It all started when I was born. Fast forwarding to last week, my friends invited me to join them learning snowboarding during the holidays. I happily agreed!! The catch was I will be the one doing the booking because my english is "good". So I did the booking to go snowboarding on 15 August 2007. The place we're going to is called Mount Hutt.
We have to be at the Riccarton bus stop at 725am. I had to wake up at 6am which is very very hard for me. Fortunately I'm waking up early to snowboard so my biological clock changed it's time to wake up at 6am. So Young and Kelly woke up at 5 and 530. T_T
Still sleeping around 5 and 530...
Reach the bus stop just in time and we went in the bus/mini van or something. The seats were messy and I had to sit alone in the side. There were these 2 Japanese kid who seem to be bad at reading English or something. We filled out a form about our height and weight and so on to get us the right gear for snowboarding. Accodring to Kelly and So Young, they wrote 160/164 for WEIGHT and 15/16 for HEIGHT. Wow, 160kg and 15cm tall. What the hell are they, mini Sumo Wrestlers?
Wahaha, mini sumo wrestlers. With remote controls. xD
The view on the way to Mount Hutt is fantastic. It's like in the magazines where they show you snowcap mountains that looks very very beautiful. I took a few photos in the bus/mini van.
The journey was about 2 hours+. I had to endure 1 hour of a little kid yapping his questions to his dad. I don't mind the kid asking questions to his dad but can he turn down the volume a little?? He was so LOUD and I was just right behind him. A few examples of his questions:
Annoying Kid : "The sun is blinking!! Dad, why is the sun blinking?? Look dad, the sun is blinking!!" (There were a row of trees on the side of the road blocking the sun, that's why the sun is blinking. Damn retard. -__-")
Annoying Kid : "There is a car at the back dad. Why is there a car at the back dad?? Where is he going??" (Kid, have you never seen a car behind another car?? At that time the road was a 1 way road to Mount Hutt. Gee, I guess it was so hard to know where the car was going so I'm guessing it's going to Korea to snowboard.)
Annoying Kid : "Dad why are we stopping here?? Why is the driver going out of the bus?? DAD?!!" (What the hell, the driver just said he was going to put chains on the wheels so that the bus can move on snow. What the hell were you doing when he was announcing that.)
Shut the heck up man. I can't stand the questions.
He was more annoying than that. The 2 guys sitting across me was pretty pissed too. Oh yea, Vodafone rocks because even up in the mountains there is still good connection. Compared to Digi, Maxis or Celcom, Vodafone is way betterVodafone rocks. =D
We reached Mount Hutt about 940am. We were thrilled about it. We went to change into our rented full kit. Then we went to the rental area to get our snowboarding gear. It was freaking awesome to get a snowboard. It was pretty heavy though. We took it outside and waited for our instructor to teach us snowboarding. The instructor's a guy called Jered. A cool dude. Didn't have any photos of him though. He taught us a few basic rules handling the snowboard and then taught us how to board a little. After that we went to the slope where we learn to try applying those basics into real action. I fell and knocked countless of people.
Wow, where did you buy THAT dude.
It's the hair of the guy at the back.
So Young~
So Young and Kelly~
The fun thing about snowboarding is when you're going fast down the slope. The painful part is where you want to stop. I fell down countless times on my butt and it hurts like crap. I knocked into someone and someone knocked into me and the cycle goes on. There were a few times where I managed to stop and going from left to right and vice versa successfully. There were even a few times where I wanted to stop and the snowboard skidded down vertically with my body facing down and my hands grabbing snow. It was awesome I tell you. Looked like I was doing a trick or something. So Young was the fastest learner among the 3 of us. Kelly and me were just bad at snowboarding. Haha.
Camwhore a bit first.
Cant help it.
This is just for joke. It is not really a molester.
Oddly enough, it was quite hot on Mount Hutt. It was a sunny day but there's snow so it should still be cold. Oh well, I prefer hot rather than cold. It was very very tiring to snowboard. We had to walk up the slope to get more snowboarding time. If we used the "magic carpet", we will have to wait for a very long time before we get to the top of the slope due to the long queue. We felt the pain the in legs when we walk up the slope and felt the pain in our butts when we fell down. So we will feel pain no matter what. Greatttttttttttt.
The other snowboarding team. They were tired too. Wahaha.
Up on the magic carpet~~
A whole lot of snowboard.
My board. Snowboard.
Was resting from the slope climbing so drew a smiley~!
Kelly and So Young~
Super strong fart.
Everything ended about 315pm. Felt like doing some more snowboarding but my battered body says no so we decided to head to the bus. When we change into our own shoes, it felt so light. It's like walking on air. Bloody snowboard shoes, it's damn heavy. >.<>Last photo at Mount Hutt.
I had severe neck pain the next day for sleeping like that.
P.S. I have several entries but they are all still in draft. I should really try to finish one post first before doing another. >.<
It's Singapore's 42nd birthday last Saturday!!! For all you non-singaporeans, Singapore National day falls on 11 August~!! It is when they split up with Malaysia and be independent. Some of you may not know where Singapore is so below I have provided you a map of where Singapore is located.
Haha. Click to enlarge. xD
The Singapore Club in uni have organized a dinner for Singapore Day. They invited the Infinite Flame dancers to dance as one of the programs for the night. The Czone dance group are called Infinite Flame if you guys didn't know.
The Infinite Flamers. Rock on!
As we are performing for the Singapore National Day dinner, I expected we get free tickets but discounts are still ok. XD The dinner is held at Chinatown Seafood Restaurant. We went there in the afternoon to have some practice. We wanted to get used to the place we are performing so we can dance better that way. We even helped decorate the place by blowing up balloons. And I mean blow it up. The balloons kept popping like mad for some odd reason so we lost a good deal of balloons. Damn those cheap balloons. Sharon was there too. I was shocked to see her there. Rofl.
Our ticket is between Member and below 12 yr's price.
The dinner has a formal/semi-formal dresscode. Everyone's confused how formal we should wear. I'm definitely not going to rent a suit for the dinner so i opted the semi-formal dresscode. To compensate for it I STYLED MY HAIR. It's very rare for me to do that because when you style your hair, you have to use wax or gel or something. It'll make ur hair sticky and I hate that feeling therefore I don't style it often.>.<> Ryan Cabrera dudes. It isn't that thick actually.
We were actually late for the dinner but we were fortunate enough have 3 seats left in a table. I was hoping for the all the dancers to sit in one table but oh well. Gracey/Gracie/Grace was bored in her table or something and came over to sit with us. We were talking so much crap and took lots of stupid photos. We fooled around a lot. We wanted to check our hair so we video it because it'll show you how your hair looks like when you're moving. Ahhhhh... Fun times... Fun times... And that just happened a few days ago. -_-"
He looks like Popeye.
Vince's tie~!
Like all dinners with specific purpose, it starts out with some important people giving speeches. Practically nobody listens to speeches except some old people. We just kept eating the appetizers which are sour vegetables and peanuts. I wish they can give better appetizers. Something like pork ribs or something. THAT would be a good appetizer. ^_^ After the boring speech which nobody was listening, we sang Singapore and New Zealand's national anthem. Apparently some of the singaporeans also sing the national anthem wrongly for so many years. You know who you are. -_-" Then comes the IMPORTANT part of the dinner, FOOD. It's a 10 course meal so it rocks! But only a few are nice so it didn't rock that much. I didn't take any photos of the food because I'll look retarded or something if I took photos of the food while sitting with a bunch of people whom I do not know. After a while, we had to change into our costumes because we had to dance soon after the lucky draw. Below is an example of the costume.
Just kidding~~ No way are we going to change into something like that. We gotta wear baggy pants and green or white shirt. It's to look more hip hop. Hippidy hop hop dudes. No bling bling though. When we finished changing, the lucky draw was still on. I hate lucky draws. I never won anything in my life in lucky draws. 3 person in my table won something. How lucky. -_-" Gracey/Gracie/Grace won a voucher to a restaurant but she traded it with another person who won a scooter. Poor sap, he got tricked into exchanging gifts.
Smile till so cheeky.
Then it was time for our dance. This performance was the most fun of all. Everyone was screaming and cheering, a whole different atmosphere then the previous performances. There were a lot of mistakes but I didn't really care because it was fun. Haha. I've ask someone to video it for your viewing. xD
After our dance, we change back to our original clothes and there was another dance going on. BELLY DANCING. Bellies were dancing all over the place. The scene was traumatizing. Can you imagine that?? BELLIES DANCING. Ok, it was just a girl belly dancing as part of the entertainment for the night. They even pass leaflets to every table about the belly dancing lessons. It was ok I guess, the guys were like looking at the girl belly dancing with great determination and with their mouths open. I bet they want to learn how to belly dance so they were concentrating real hard. She danced to 2 songs so I had to hold my camera up for 6 minutes. The pain... the horror....
Edit: No videos yet. Forgot to rotate before uploading into youtube.
After that is back to the main event, FOOD. After a few dishes, we got bored and we went around taking photos. Took a group photos of the Infinite Flamers, with the cake, and all sorts of stuff. We even took a video of Merlvyn saying sorry to the camera. Wahahaha. But I wont upload that for the fear of repercussions. He learn tae-kwan-do so he can kick my ass thoroughly if he wanted to. And he's "flexible".
The Singapore National cake....
Just kidding, this is the cake.
Must pose with cake.
2 of our beautiful dancers. Er... 1 cute one.
Our dance instructor and my cellgroup leader!!! Evlyn!! Woot woot~!
Vince: You're so strong... Gracey/Gracie/Grace: I know.
She is blur in most photos. -_-"""""
When she's not blur, other people are.
My clothes look way better than that in real life.
We decided to kill her for being retarded.
Even my cellgroup leader won a lucky draw prize!! T_T
Then there was an auction. All the money gained will be donated to the Singapore Club and boy should the president be happy. There were air tickets being auctioned, some Maori traditional thing, wines and some others. The Maori traditional thing was auctioned off at NZ$400!!! The starting bid was NZ$30 I think. After it was auctioned off, the uncle returned it back to them to be auctioned again. He still has to pay NZ$400 though. His friend bought it at NZ$399. The president must be smiling like mad that time. Half of the time the table next to the uncles were cheering them on to bid higher and the uncles were a little bit drunk I guess so they simply raised their hands to bid. I don't think their wives are going to be happy with them when they go home.
The dinner ended with a final lucky draw which is A TICKET PLUS RETURN TO SINGAPORE. How sweet is that. UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't get it. Could've sold it man. >.<> New Brighton's clock tower.
The scene where the tire died.
Been so long since I attended something formal. Overall it was a fun night I guess. Dance dance~~ Feel like dancing~~ Wahahaha. xD
P.S. I screwed up so.... the post is weird. I did it twice so I don't care anymore. P.S.S. The website I use for hosting photos changed. The photos look blur. You gotta click them to see a clear one.